51 Steel St, Redhead NSW

This amazing beachside home has more Timber than a Lumberyard. All second hand BlackButt was used on all bench tops, stairs case, kitchen ceilings, handrails and fireplace. It was a big job to sand back all eight vanity tops and island kitchen bench, but with the Mirka Dustless Sander made my job a lot easier and kept the clients house dust-free.

All Timber surfaces were sanded back to bare surfaces for a super smooth polished finish ready to apply two coats of Fiddes Hard Wax Oil. The front door was sanded back and had three coats of Cutek CD50

We recommend maintaining all Timber surfaces every six to twelve months with a simple sand and coat. This will keep it looking fresh and extend the life of your Timber.

The clients were over the moon with the workmanship and finish the Painting by Josh crew had achieved. If you have a house or project similar to this, please feel free to get in touch – painting Newcastle and surrounds!


Diabolik Tattoo 372 King St, Newcastle NSW 2300


7 Bray Crescent, Garden Suburbs