Swansea Fence Respray
I was asked to repaint the front fence surrounding a property in Swansea, NSW. Beautiful character home, streets from the water needing a bit of TLC! We will be repainting this house later in the year. The client requested Dulux’s Weathershield low sheen in Vivid White to be applied to suit the style of the house.
This project was also a great opportunity to test Graco’s newest Contractor PC airless spray gun. Putting it through its paces, I had to work quickly to avoid incoming heavy rain and winds. You can check out a collaborative video I made with GO Industrial as part of their Graco promotion for this new spraying equipment.
For surface preparation, I used a pole sander with 80 grit sandpaper to smooth any uneven pales. On this fence, I used the Graco FinishPro II 595PC Air-Assisted Airless, however only sprayed in its airless mode with the new Graco Contractor PC gun.
Spraying airless provides a seamless finish for fences, as well as being a lot faster and efficient for myself and the client. I was able to complete two coats within a few hours, with a perfect high-quality finish.
Check out the final result! Can’t wait to get back to Swansea to complete the rest of this house. Get in touch with me if you’d like to have your fence re-painted! A cost-effective, quick and easy process to drastically increase the value of your property.